"Get used to the fact that some of the care is really going to take place in a different way": General practitioners' experiences with E-health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Maaike Meurs*, Jelle Keuper, Valerie Sankatsing, Ronald Batenburg, Lilian Van Tuyl

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The first outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the introduction of the more extensive use of e-health in Dutch general practices. The objective of this study was to investigate the experiences of general practitioners (GPs) regarding this change. In addition, the necessary conditions for e-health technology to be of added value to general practices were explored. In April 2020, 30 GPs were recruited for in-depth interviews via a web survey which contained questions regarding the use of e-health during the first wave of the pandemic. While most GPs intend to keep using e-health applications more extensively than before the pandemic, the actual use of e-health depends on several factors, including the characteristics of the application’s users. The following conditions for successful and sustainable implementation of e-health were identified: (1) integration of e-health technology in the organization of GP care, (2) sufficient user-friendliness of applications as well as digital skills of professionals and patients, and (3) adequate technological and financial support of e-health services. GPs clearly recognize the benefits of using e-health, and most GPs intend to keep using e-health applications more extensively than before the pandemic. However, improvements are needed to allow widespread and sustainable adoption of e-health technology in general practices.
Original languageEnglish
Article number5120
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Attitude of Health Personnel
  • COVID-19/epidemiology
  • General Practitioners
  • Humans
  • Pandemics
  • Telemedicine


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