Governance of Clubs and Firms with Cultural Dimensions

J.R. van den Brink, P.H.M. Ruys, R. Semenov

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paperOther research output

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The neoclassical way to cope with firms providing services, or with clubs procuring services, is restricted by the lack of institutional features. An institutional approach is introduced that requires a cooperative governance to realize the potential value-production by firms, or to realize the potential user-value by clubs. For each, a distinctive governance system is introduced. The firm requires an implementation governance to activate the value-production capacities of its service providers. It is empowered top-down by the unique top- position of the organization. The club, on the other hand, requires a representation governance to aggregate the user-values of its members for some common service and to order this service. It is empowered bottom-up by the service-users, i.e., the members of the club using that common service. Institutional characteristics are also re ected in the distribution functions that are used inrewarding positions in firms and clubs. Some cultural dimensions are expressed in these distribution functions. That allows us to relate characteristics of governance systems to society's cultural dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTilburg
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 1999

Publication series

NameCentER Discussion Paper


  • Governance
  • service economy
  • cooperative organization
  • club
  • firm
  • values
  • culture


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