Habiter la frontière ou errer dans un no-man’s land. Les crises d’identités afropéennes dans les romans pour adolescents en France

Translated title of the contribution: 'Inhabiting the border' or wandering in no-man's land?: Afropean identity crises in French teen novels

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientific


The article focuses on the discourse on Blackness and Afropeanity in novels for teenagers by French Afrodescendant authors. In these novels, Afropeanity is closely linked to identity crises, as the characters experience their Afropeanity as a double exclusion. They feel they are too Black in Europe and too European in Africa/Caribbean, and their experience is thus very different from the double belonging celebrated by Léonora Miano in her work theorizing the concept of Afropeanity.
Translated title of the contribution'Inhabiting the border' or wandering in no-man's land?: Afropean identity crises in French teen novels
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)180-187
JournalAfricultures. La revue.
Issue number99-100
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Children's and Young Adult Literature
  • teenagers
  • RACE


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