Implementation Needs Of Experience Sampling Methodology In Paediatrics According End-Users: A Qualitative Case Study

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientificpeer-review


Background: One in five children with chronic health conditions experiences non specific symptoms, e.g., fatigue. This calls for transdiagnostic care, tailored for the individual. Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) enables personalised insight into factors, preferably modifiable (i.e., lifestyle), that are associated with such symptoms. Despite its potential, no ESM-intervention has yet transitioned from research to paediatric care practice. This study assessed implementation factors from the perspective of end-users for an ESM supported transdiagnostic blended mHealth intervention to facilitate its future
implementation in paediatric care practice.

Methods: We used PROfeel as our case. PROfeel starts with smartphone-based ESM for personal fatigue insights, followed by shared decision-making on insight-based and tailored lifestyle goals together with a professional. We conducted semi-structured interviews and used inductive thematic coding for analysis. Respondents were patients (N=11), their important others (IOs, N=11) and health care professionals (HCPs, N=20). Patients, aged
13 to 21, used PROfeel in a research setting. Ten patient-parent dyads and two singletons were separately interviewed.

Findings: For patients and IOs, implementation factors could be grouped in the themes, ‘motivation’, ‘value’ and ‘self-dependence’. The severity of fatigue primarily determined the motivation for use. PROfeel often added value when patients and IOs experienced insight, effect and alignment with everyday life. Patients largely used PROfeel self-dependent and
mostly saw PROfeel as something private. However, in younger patients a supportive role by IO (e.g. reminding, facilitating) was frequently seen and usually appreciated. In HCPs we found three themes. ‘Perceived benefits experienced by patients’ were most important. ’Deployment of PROfeel’ was based on perceived scope of responsibility of the HCPs and differences in specific diagnostic groups. 'Preconditions' mentioned were efficacy,
practitioner’s skills, time, and financing.

Conclusion: PROfeel is feasible for patients if aligned with the heterogeneity of paediatric care practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2024
EventSupporting Health by Technology Conference - Groningen
Duration: 30 May 202431 May 2024


ConferenceSupporting Health by Technology Conference


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