Inclusive HRM and employment security for disabled people: An interdisciplinary approach

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Many countries struggle with non-participation of vulnerable
groups. Countries give priority to Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP)
to help unemployed and disabled people get back to work, preferably in
regular employment. In recent years, some innovative policies have tried
to involve employers. There seems to be a paradox between desired social
policy outcomes, such as getting people out of social security into regular
jobs, and preferred Strategic HRM outcomes, such as being a highly
productive, cost-efficient and flexible organisation. The explanation and
solution for this social issue- integration of disabled people – can thus not
solely be found in the Social Policy literature, as strategic employer
behaviour ultimately decides whether ALMP succeed. In this paper, we
combine insights from Social Policy and HRM literature and discuss
several factors that play a role in the process of (not) offering jobs to
disabled people. We present a conceptual strategic inclusive HR model
and conclude that different HR perspectives, focusing on economic
rationality, wellbeing, social legitimacy, may lead to different hiring
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-33
JournalE-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Inclusive HRM
  • Social Policy
  • Disability
  • Employment Security
  • Inclusive Labour Market
  • Employers
  • Social Security


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