Integrated emotion-oriented care for older people with ID: Defining and understanding intervention components of a person-centred approach

M. Thalen*, W. M. W. J. van Oorsouw, K. Volkers, P. J. C. M. Embregts

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An increase in descriptive evidence regarding person‐centered approaches for older people with intellectual disability (ID) is important, due to increased life expectancy and the present lack of sufficiently underpinned interventions. This is especially true of interventions designed to increase well‐being and quality of life. A specific Dutch example is the Integrated Emotion‐Oriented Care approach. Despite its status as a good practice, its effectiveness has not yet been proved, nor has descriptive evidence been made available. The primary aims of this qualitative study are to identify the intervention components, to provide demonstrative illustrations and to gain an in‐depth understanding of the use of these components in the day‐to‐day support of older people with ID. A content analysis of five key documents was carried out. Five semi‐structured interviews were then conducted with early adopters, followed by a concept mapping study with daily users. The final stage in the data collection process was a series of five focus‐group interviews with experts and experienced support staff. The five intervention components of Integrated Emotion‐Oriented Care for older people with ID have been systematically identified and described in detail in five narrative summaries drawn up in collaboration with early adopters, experts and experienced support staff. This study provides valuable insights that offer descriptive evidence for Integrated Emotion‐Oriented Care in the care for older people with ID. Both implications and possible opportunities for future research are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)178-186
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
Issue number3
Early online date2021
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Intellectual Disability
  • Person-centered approach
  • aging
  • quality of life
  • support staff


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