Introduction to the symposium on the shadow economy, tax behaviour, and institutions

Catalina Granda*, Christoph Kogler

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This JOIE symposium features some of the most influential papers presented in the seventh version of the conference on The shadow economy, tax behaviour, and institutions. Accordingly, it brings together contributions from several disciplines and schools of thought in the social sciences and the humanities exploring such issues as the role of formal and informal institutions in understanding the shadow economy, the importance of social aversion in the motivations for tax compliance, and the dual nature of corruption. This introduction lays out the scope of the symposium, summarises the preceding literature on the topic, and provides a brief outline of each contributing article, noting that, although each paper focuses on a different economic and cultural context, they share several elements in common with alternative theories addressing the institutional, psychological, and sociological aspects of tax law compliance and other appropriate behaviours.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)651-655
JournalJournal of Institutional Economics
Issue number5
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2023


  • Informal institutions
  • Regional and country studies
  • Shadow economy
  • Tax behaviour


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