Le plurilinguisme à Lyon. Le statut des langues à la maison et à l'école

J.J. de Ruiter, M.A. Akinci, F. Sanagustin

    Research output: Book/ReportBookScientific


    This book reports on a language survey executed in the "agglomeration de Lyon" in 2001. More than 11.000 pupils in primary schools participated in the research by filling out a questionnaire that contained questions on their language profile. The results show that language diversity is part and parcel of the target group of primary school pupils. More detailed analyses present the language profiles of the 19 largest groups in the corpus among which Turkish, Spanish, Vietnamese and Wolof speaking children. The study is part of a larger schale study within the Multlinguals Cities Project in which the cities of Goeteburg, Brussels, The Hague, Hamburg and Madrid participated as well.
    Original languageFrench
    Place of PublicationParijs
    Number of pages226
    ISBN (Print)90
    Publication statusPublished - 2003

    Publication series

    NameSerie Sociolinguistique

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