Legal assessment explaining why COPA*COGECA's objections against the Nature Restoration Act proposal are misleading

Alexandra Aragao, Charles-Hubert Born, Eleonora Ciscato, An Cliquet*, Kris Decleer, Harm Dotinga, Floor Fleurke, Francesca Leucci, Volkel Mauerhofer, Matilde Meertens, Ana Mendes, Moritz Reese, Hendrik Schoukens, Arie Trouwborst, Geert van Hoorick, Jonathan Verschuuren

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In their letter of 26 June 2023 Copa*Cogeca asked the members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment to reject the Nature Restoration Law proposal. They based their arguments for this rejection on what they considered as ‘red line’ issues, which makes the law proposal unacceptable to them.
As Legal Working Group (LWG) from SERE , we analysed these ‘red line’ issues and we concluded that their red line objections against the Nature Restoration Law proposal cannot withstand legal scrutiny. Many of their concerns are already present in the Commission proposal and are further addressed in the Swedish presidency compromise proposal. Further weakening of the Nature Restoration Law is against existing EU legislation.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSociety for Ecological Restoration
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jul 2023


  • nature conservation law
  • restoration
  • European Law
  • agriculture
  • Habitats Directive


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