Legislación básica de derecho internacional público (6a ed.)

J.D. González Campos, P. Andrés Sáenz de Santa María, I. Rodriguez Alvarez

    Research output: Book/ReportBookScientific


    This book provides an extensive collection of key materials covering most of the elements of public international law and incorporates recent significant developments within this field that have occurred since the publication of the fifth edition in 2005. It contains the key international texts —treaties and resolutions of relevant international organs such as the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, and ongoing codification works at the International Law Commission— on the following areas: law of the treaties; State responsibility for international wrongful acts; responsibility of the individual; jurisdictional immunities of States and their property; succession of States; law of the sea; outer space; polar areas; international watercourses; self-determination of peoples; environmental international law; international terrorism; trans-national organized crime; peaceful settlement of international disputes; use of force; and disarmament. Since the first edition appeared this collection of basic texts has become an established aid in Spain both to the practising lawyer using international law materials, and to the student of international law as a complement to existing course books. For that reason, it also makes extensive references to the legislative developments, both in Spain an in the European Union, in such issues. Furthermore, it contains an improved indexing and tables of content to aid quick and efficient research. The aim of the collection has always been to provide students and practitioners with essential documents to enable them to obtain a thorough grounding in this diverse and fascinating field of law.
    Original languageSpanish
    Place of PublicationMadrid, España
    Number of pages1352
    ISBN (Print)9788430947935
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

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