L'imagerie du corps interne

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    Contemporary imaging technologies, such as ultrasound, endoscopy, MRI, PET or CT scan, transform our ¿body image¿. In this article, this transformation is articulated by means of an analysis of an artwork by Mona Hatoum, entitled ¿Corps Étranger¿. This work of art consists of a video projection of endoscopic images of the artist¿s interior body. It is often claimed that one cannot identify oneself with this kind of images since they are hardly recognizable as parts of one¿s own body. As such they do not belong to the narcissistic image of the body. By means of a phenomenological and psychoanalytic analysis, it is here argued, however, that these images provide an affective image of one¿s own body in which one can face the strangeness of one¿s own body.
    Original languageFrench
    JournalMethodos. Savoirs et Textes
    Publication statusPublished - 2004

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