Measuring global character dimensions: An ant colony optimization approach toward three core strength scales

M.V. Partsch*, G. Olaru, C.M. Lechner

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The Values in Action (VIA) framework encompasses 24 universally valued character strengths. Recent factor-analytic work has identified three global core strengths (metatraits) that proved to be well-interpretable and cross-culturally replicable: positivity, dependability, and mastery. However, there are no short scales to economically measure these core strengths that would encourage (large-scale) survey-based research on the global level of the VIA trait space. In the present study, we selected 18 items to measure the three metatraits from the 96-item IPIP-VIA-R inventory. To optimize the item selection while considering multiple psychometric criteria simultaneously, we made use of Ant Colony Optimization. Thereby, we obtained balanced-keyed scales that cover the heterogeneous constructs well, showed good model fit and reliability across six samples from Germany and the U.K. (total N = 2,754), and achieved scalar measurement invariance across countries. Furthermore, we demonstrated each scale's validity by locating the three core strengths in a nomological net with personality and value metatraits, life satisfaction, and behavioral criteria. Available in the public domain in English and German, these both valid and economical core strength scales may further stimulate integrative research on personality and values.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)665-680
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Personality Assessment
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Higher-order factors
  • Fit indexes
  • Big 5
  • Personality
  • Tutorial
  • Models
  • Values
  • Item


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