Misaligned union laws? A comparative analysis of certification in the Cybersecurity Act and the General Data Protection Regulation

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review

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In 2019, the Cybersecurity Act, the EU law aiming to achieve high level of cybersecurity in the Union and Member States, entered into force. The CSA belongs to a broader set of Union laws providing a framework of legal protection of individual and collective rights from harmful use of information and communication technologies. Those laws introduce private law instruments for the achievement of legislative goals.2 Despite the overarching similarities of the regulated fields, the Union legislator adopted seemingly different approaches in introducing private law instruments. The Chapter seeks to comparatively present the certification frameworks as introduced in the Cybersecurity Act and the General Protection Regulation, with the aim to provide an understanding on the legislative choices and the normative, implementation and policy reasons underpinning the introduction of private law instruments in Union laws.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationData protection and privacy
Subtitle of host publicationData protection and artificial intelligence
EditorsDara Hallinan, Ronald Leenes, Paul De Hert
PublisherHart Publishing
Number of pages28
ISBN (Electronic)9781509941773
ISBN (Print)9781509941759
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2021

Publication series

NameComputers, Privacy and Data Protection


  • Cybersecurity Act
  • information security
  • data protection
  • certification
  • GDPR
  • trust
  • transparency
  • data security


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