Network autocorrelation modeling: A Bayes factor approach for testing (multiple) precise and interval hypotheses

D. Dittrich*, R.T.A.J. Leenders, J. Mulder

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Currently available (classical) testing procedures for the network autocorrelation can only be used for falsifying a precise null hypothesis of no network effect. Classical methods can be neither used for quantifying evidence for the null nor for testing multiple hypotheses simultaneously. This article presents flexible Bayes factor testing procedures that do not have these limitations. We propose Bayes factors based on an empirical and a uniform prior for the network effect, respectively, first. Next, we develop a fractional Bayes factor where a default prior is automatically constructed. Simulation results suggest that the first two Bayes factors show superior performance and are the Bayes factors we recommend. We apply the recommended Bayes factors to three data sets from the literature and compare the results to those coming from classical analyses using p values. R code for efficient computation of the Bayes factors is provided.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)642-676
JournalSociological Methods and Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • network autocorrelation model
  • hypothesis testing
  • Bayes factor
  • informative prior
  • fractional Bayes factor


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