New Theoretical Directions in Multiple Team Membership Research: The Employee Experience

Saleem Mistry, Ozias Moore, Tammy Rapp, Eean Crawford, John R. Hollenbeck, Pranav Gupta, Raveh Harush, Jaclyn Margolis, Nicoleta Meslec, Jehuda Salhov, Joost van de Brake, Stefan Bergen, Kathleen Carley, Giliad Chen, Petru Curseu, Scott Dust, Alina Maria Flestea, Oana Fodor, Darren Jason Good, Anita Williams Woolley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


This symposium showcases multiple team membership (MTM) employee experiences research that examines critical individual and team-level outcomes (e.g., stress, performance, viability, citizenship behavior, and career-related outcomes) in the following two areas: (a) the experiences of MTM employees across their teams (e.g., teamwork quality, team leadership, team member exchange, identification, transactional attention systems), and (b) the experiences of MTM employees across their various roles (e.g., role ambiguity and variety). Our symposium consists of five papers that extend theory and investigate MTM-related phenomena at the within-individual, individual, and team/project levels of analysis using a variety of theoretical perspectives, research designs, contexts, methodologies, and analytical methods (i.e., archival, field-based, laboratory). We hope to provide a forum to generate new insights, foster discussion, and advance MTM research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalAcademy of Management Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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