Noot bij HR 27 november 2015, NJ 2016/245 (ABN AMRO/St. Gedupeerde Beleggers vd B)

Translated title of the contribution: Case note HR 27 november 2015, NJ 2016/245 (ABN AMRO/St. Gedupeerde Beleggers vd B): Liability of bank for not warning against Ponzi-scheme

Research output: Memorandum/expositionCase noteProfessional

Translated title of the contributionCase note HR 27 november 2015, NJ 2016/245 (ABN AMRO/St. Gedupeerde Beleggers vd B): Liability of bank for not warning against Ponzi-scheme
Original languageDutch
Number of pages3
Project No.14/03217
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2016

Publication series

NameNederlandse Jurisprudentie

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