On the Sensitivity Matrix of the Nash Bargaining Solution

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In this note we provide a characterization of a subclass of bargaining problems for which the Nash solution has the property of disagreement point monotonicity.While the original d-monotonicity axiom and its stronger notion, strong d-monotonicity, were introduced and discussed by Thomson [15], this paper introduces local strong d-monotonicity and derives a necessary and sufficient condition for the Nash solution to be locally strong d-monotonic.This characterization is given by using the sensitivity matrix of the Nash bargaining solution w.r.t. the disagreement point d.Moverover, we present a sufficient condition for the Nash solution to be strong d-monotonic.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTilburg
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Publication series

NameCentER Discussion Paper


  • Nash bargaining solution
  • d-monotonicity
  • diagonally dominant Stieltjes matrix


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