Perceived barriers and facilitators of the implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention with a financial incentive for chronically ill patients

C. C. M. Molema*, G. C. W. Wendel-Vos, S. ter Schegget, A. J. Schuit, L. A. M. van de Goor

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This study aims to describe barriers and facilitators of the implementation of a combined lifestyle intervention (CLI) in primary care for patients with chronic disease. The aim of CLI to help patients to create a healthy lifestyle and to maintain this healthy lifestyle. During a CLI a patient receives advice and counselling to improve health-related behavior such as physical activity and diet. Special attention was given to the influence of adding a health promoting financial incentive (HPFI) for the participants to the CLI. 


Twenty-four semi-structured interviews within six care groups were performed between July and October 2017. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded by two researchers independently. 


Respondents mentioned several preferred characteristics of the CLI such as easy accessibility of the intervention site and the presence of health care professionals during exercise sessions. Moreover, factors that could influence implementation (such as attitude of the health care professionals) and preconditions for a successful implementation of a CLI (such as structural funding and good infrastructure) were identified. Overall, positive HPFIs (e.g. a reward) were preferred over negative HPFIs (e.g. a fine). According to the respondents, HPFIs could positively influence the degree of participation, and break down barriers for participating in and finishing the CLI. 


Multiple barriers and facilitators for successful implementation of a CLI were identified. For successful implementing CLIs, a positive attitude of all stakeholders is essential and specific preconditions should be fulfilled. With regard to adding a HPFI, more research is needed to identify the attitude of specific target groups towards an HPFI.

Original languageEnglish
Article number137
Number of pages11
JournalBMC Family Practice
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Lifestyle intervention
  • Physical activity
  • Implementation
  • Primary care
  • Chronic illness
  • Qualitative research
  • CARE


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