Personality in Cultural Context: Methodological Issues

F.J.R. van de Vijver, K. Leung

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    Methodological issues in cultural and cross-cultural personality research are described. A taxonomy of these studies is presented, based on whether a study is exploratory or tests hypotheses, and whether or not contextual information is measured. Core methodological issues are bias and equivalence; a taxonomy and a brief overview of statistical procedures to examine equivalence are presented, with a focus on procedures for assessing structural equivalence (i.e., similarity of meaning of an instrument across cultures). Examples are given of studies in which cultural and cross-cultural approaches, often seen as antithetical, have been fruitfully integrated. Finally, multilevel models are described in which personality characteristics are examined at individual and cultural level.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1007-1031
    JournalJournal of Personality
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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