Pluralism in European private law

Vanessa Mak

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    article takes stock of legal pluralist thinking in European private law. In which ways have existing theories brought forward our understanding of lawmaking in European private law? Central to that debate are the competing rationalities of EU internal market law, on the one hand, and national, juridical systems of private law on the other hand. An analysis of norms, processes, and actors involved in lawmaking in European private law reveals a field that has matured, but that is now at the threshold of a re-evaluation and potentially a transformation in lawmaking from ordered to strong legal pluralism, with a greater role for private regulation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)202-232
    Number of pages31
    JournalCambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
    Issue numberDecember 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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