Predictive Clinical Neuroscience Portal (PCNportal): instant online access to research-grade normative models for clinical neuroscientists.

Pieter Barkema*, Saige Rutherford, Hurng-Chun Lee, Seyed Mostafa Kia, Hannah Savage, Christian Beckmann, Andre Marquand

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    Background: The neurobiology of mental disorders remains poorly understood despite substantial scientific efforts, due to large clinical heterogeneity and to a lack of tools suitable to map individual variability. Normative modeling is one recently successful framework that can address these problems by comparing individuals to a reference population. The methodological underpinnings of normative modelling are, however, relatively complex and computationally expensive. Our research group has developed the python-based normative modelling package Predictive Clinical Neuroscience toolkit (PCNtoolkit) which provides access to many validated algorithms for normative modelling. PCNtoolkit has since proven to be a strong foundation for large scale normative modelling, but still requires significant computation power, time and technical expertise to develop.
    Methods: To address these problems, we introduce PCNportal. PCNportal is an online platform integrated with PCNtoolkit that offers access to pre-trained research-grade normative models estimated on tens of thousands of participants, without the need for computation power or programming abilities. PCNportal is an easy-to-use web interface that is highly scalable to large user bases as necessary. Finally, we demonstrate how the resulting normalized deviation scores can be used in a clinical application through a schizophrenia classification task applied to cortical thickness and volumetric data from the longitudinal Northwestern University Schizophrenia Data and Software Tool (NUSDAST) dataset.
    Results: At each longitudinal timepoint, the transferred normative models achieved a mean[std. dev.] explained variance of 9.4[8.8]%, 9.2[9.2]%, 5.6[7.4]% respectively in the control group and 4.7[5.5]%, 6.0[6.2]%, 4.2[6.9]% in the schizophrenia group. Diagnostic classifiers achieved AUC of 0.78, 0.76 and 0.71 respectively.
    Conclusions: This replicates the utility of normative models for diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and showcases the use of PCNportal for clinical neuroimaging. By facilitating and speeding up research with high-quality normative models, this work contributes to research in inter-individual variability, clinical heterogeneity and precision medicine.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number326
    Pages (from-to)326
    Number of pages16
    JournalWelcome Open Research
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Jul 2023


    • Braincharts
    • Normative modelling
    • Brain growth charting
    • PCNtoolkit


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