Psychometric data of a questionnaire to measure cyberbullying bystander behavior and its behavioral determinants among adolescents

A. DeSmet*, S. Bastiaensens, K. Van Cleemput, K. Poels, H. Vandebosch, G. Deboutte, L. Herrewijn, S. Malliet, S. Pabian, F. Van Broeckhoven, O. De Troyer, G. Deglorie, S. Van Hoecke, K. Samyn, I. De Bourdeaudhuij

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This paper describes the items, scale validity and scale reliability of a self-report questionnaire that measures bystander behavior in cyberbullying incidents among adolescents, and its behavioral determinants. Determinants included behavioral intention, behavioral attitudes, moral disengagement attitudes, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, subjective norm and social skills. Questions also assessed (cyber-)bullying involvement. Validity and reliability information is based on a sample of 238 adolescents (M age=13.52 years, SD=0.57). Construct validity was assessed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) or Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in Mplus7 software. Reliability (Cronbach Alpha, alpha) was assessed in SPSS, version 22. Data and questionnaire are included in this article. Further information can be found in DeSmet et al. (2018) [l]. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1588-1595
Number of pages8
JournalData in Brief
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
Externally publishedYes




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