Research priorities for medically not yet explained symptoms expressed by patients, carers, and healthcare professionals in the Netherlands following the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership approach

I. Elfeddali*, W.J. Kop, M.J. Metz, L. Nguyen, J. Sweetman, J. Gower, C.M. van der Feltz-Cornelis, A.C. Videler

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Objective: Experiencing physical symptoms that are medically not yet explained (MNYES) is associated with considerable burden in daily life. Research priorities in this area have been primarily investigator-driven. The present study identifies the top 10 research priorities, incorporating the views of patients, carers and healthcare professionals.

Methods: This study used the Priority Setting Partnership approach in collaboration with the James Lind Alliance (JLA). The priority setting approach combines survey-based data from patients with a specific disorder/condition and relevant stakeholders (i.e., caregivers and healthcare professionals) with input from group meetings and a final priority setting consensus meeting. There were three consecutive phases: (1) online survey with an open-ended question to collect topics for future scientific research (N = 345 participants); (2) an online survey among stakeholders to prioritise the research questions generated in Phase 1 (N = 400); and (3) a final multi-stakeholder consensus meeting, held over two half-days to determine the final top 10 research priorities for the Netherlands (day 1 N = 25, day 2 N = 24).

Results: Phase 1 resulted in 572 topics, which were reduced to 37 summary research questions. Phase 2 resulted in 18 research priorities, that were ranked and the top 10 priorities were established during the final consensus meeting. The top 10 research priorities included three main themes: optimising efficient diagnosis and treatment, aetiology and prevention, and coping with MNYES.

Conclusion: The top 10 priorities provide insight into what is most important for future research into MNYES from the perspective of patients, carers and healthcare professionals.
Original languageEnglish
Article number111890
JournalJournal of Psychosomatic Research
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • medically not yet explained symptoms
  • Somatic symptom and related disorders
  • persistent physical symptoms
  • research priorities
  • delphi approach
  • James Lind Alliance


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