Reward-allocation judgments in Romania: A factorial survey approach

C. Buzea, L. Meseşan-Schmitz, F.J.R. van de Vijver

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    We investigated reward-allocation judgments when positive outcomes (monetary rewards) were distributed and the allocator was not a co-recipient, in a sample of 200 Romanian students. Within a full factorial survey design, seven factors, selected to affect the allocation decision, were orthogonally varied. The factors reflect individual characteristics of the recipients (gender, age, contribution, need, work experience) and situational characteristics (future work interaction and task routineness). Romanian students preferred to allocate rewards applying an equity-based distribution model. Work experience and task routineness were also significant, yet less important. The recipient gender has no effect on allocation judgments. In terms of between-respondents variability, we found that students’ gender, work experience, and age do not have an impact on reward-allocation judgments. We discuss implications of our findings for organizations and practitioners.
    Keywords: reward allocation; normative judgments; factorial survey; Romania;
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)107-123
    JournalRevista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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