Rituale in der Seelsorge nach einem Trauma: Eine Untersuchung von Fallgeschichten aus der Psychiatrie

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    This article examines two case studies from the Dutch Case Studies Project in Chaplaincy Care, in which the clients were confronted with a trauma in a psychiatric setting. In particular, it analyzes the ritual interventions of the chaplains to evaluate the stylistic and quality criteria of good pastoral care. The results can then be transferred to other forms of chaplaincy, pastoral settings, or occasions, such as the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation in a secular organization, the creative combination of individual and traditional elements in pastoral care, the importance of sensual and nonverbal forms of communication with the chaplain as a symbolic figure, or the attention paid to typical late-modern transformations in the religious field.
    Original languageGerman
    Pages (from-to)93-105
    JournalZeitschrift für Pastoraltheologie
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2022

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