Roaming Africa: A social analysis of migration and resilience

Mirjam van Reisen, Mia Stokmans, Munyaradzi Mawere, Kinfe Abraha Gebre-Egziabher

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


Current approaches to migration are mainly based on the ‘push-pull’ theory of migration, which fails to explain the complexity and multifaceted situations of people on the move. This theory is premised primarily on economic considerations and oversimplifies how decisions are made, leading to policies that are misguided at best and harmful at worst. Alternatives are needed to understand why and how people move, and whether this contributes to resilience or undermines it. Social theory provides a useful lens, acknowledging that within the specificity of each situation a better understanding of motivations, dynamics and drivers can be obtained. This book aims to bring African voices to the fore, working with researchers close to ground realities in Africa, to explain why people in Africa are on the move and provide alternative approaches to setting agendas on this issue.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoaming Africa: Migration, Resilience and Social Protection
EditorsMirjam van Reisen, Munyradzi Mawere, Mia Stokmans, Kinfe Abraha Gebre-Egziabher
Place of PublicationBamendaa, Cameroon
PublisherLangaa RPCIG
ISBN (Print)9789956551019
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameConnected and Mobile: Migration and Human Trafficking in Africa


  • migration theory
  • push and pull
  • resilience
  • social protection
  • complexity


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