Self-beliefs, transactive memory systems, and collective identification in teams: Articulating the socio-cognitive underpinnings of COHUMAIN

I. Aggarwal, G. Cuconato*, N.Y. Ates, N. Meslec

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Socio-cognitive theory conceptualizes individual contributors as both enactors of cognitive processes and targets of a social context’s determinative influences. The present research investigates how contributors’ metacognition or self-beliefs, combine with others’ views of themselves to inform collective team states related to learning about other agents (i.e., transactive memory systems) and forming social attachments with other agents (i.e., collective team identification), both important teamwork states that have implications for team collective intelligence. We test the predictions in a longitudinal study with 78 teams. Additionally, we provide interview data from industry experts in human–
artificial intelligence teams. Our findings contribute to an emerging socio-cognitive architecture for COllective HUman-MAchine INtelligence (i.e., COHUMAIN) by articulating its underpinnings in individual and collective cognition and metacognition. Our resulting model has implications for the critical inputs necessary to design and enable a higher level of integration of human and machine teammates.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages31
JournalTopics in Cognitive Science
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2023


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