Semantic Deep Mapping in the Amsterdam Time Machine: Viewing Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century Theatre and Cinema Culture Through the Lens of Language Use and Socio-Economic Status

Julia Noordegraaf, Marieke van Erp, Richard Zijdeman, Mark Raat, Thunnis van Oort, Ivo Zandhuis, Thomas Vermaut, Hans Mol, Nicoline van der Sijs, Kristel Doreleijers, Vincent Baptist, Charlotte Vrielink, Brenda Assendelft, Claartje Rasterhoff, Ivan Kisjes

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, we present our work on semantic deep mapping at scale by combining information from various sources and disciplines to study historical Amsterdam. We model our data according to semantic web standards and ground them in space and time such that we can investigate what happened at a particular time and place from a linguistics, socio-economic and urban historical perspective. In a small use case we test the spatio-temporal infrastructure for research on entertainment culture in Amsterdam around the turn of the 20th century. We explain the bottlenecks we encountered for integrating information from different disciplines and sources and how we resolved or worked around them. Finally, we present a set of recommendations and best practices for adapting semantic deep mapping to other settings.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries - 2nd International Workshop, UHDL 2019, Revised Selected Papers
EditorsFlorian Niebling, Sander Münster, Heike Messemer
Place of PublicationCham
Number of pages22
ISBN (Print)9783030931858
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameCommunications in Computer and Information Science
Volume1501 CCIS
ISSN (Print)1865-0929
ISSN (Electronic)1865-0937


  • Deep mapping
  • Digital humanities
  • Linguistics
  • Media studies
  • Semantic web
  • Social and economic history
  • Urban history


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