title = "Simulation Experiments in Practice: Statistical Design and Regression Analysis",
abstract = "In practice, simulation analysts often change only one factor at a time, and use graphical analysis of the resulting Input/Output (I/O) data. Statistical theory proves that more information is obtained when applying Design Of Experiments (DOE) and linear regression analysis. Unfortunately, classic theory assumes a single simulation response that is normally and independently distributed with a constant variance; moreover, the regression (meta)model of the simulation model{\textquoteright}s I/O behaviour is assumed to have residuals with zero means. This article addresses the following questions: (i) How realistic are these assumptions, in practice? (ii) How can these assumptions be tested? (iii) If assumptions are violated, can the simulation's I/O data be transformed such that the assumptions do hold? (iv) If not, which alternative statistical methods can then be applied?",
keywords = "metamodels, experimental designs, generalized least squares, multivariate analysis, normality, jackknife, bootstrap, heteroscedasticity, common random numbers, validation",
author = "J.P.C. Kleijnen",
note = "Pagination: 22",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
volume = "2007-09",
series = "CentER Discussion Paper",
publisher = "Operations research",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Operations research",