Social participation of homeless people: Evaluation of the intervention "Growth Through Participation"

M.T.J. Rutenfrans-Stupar

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Social participation is a strong predictor of well-being and happiness. Homeless people do not always feel welcome to participate in society, and therefore, they often experience social isolation and loneliness. Hence, organizations providing shelter services and ambulatory care (shelter facilities) have been developing participation-based interventions. An example of such an intervention is Growth Through Participation (GTP; in Dutch Verder Door Doen) which is developed by a Dutch shelter facility (SMO Breda e.o.). GTP focuses on enhancement of social participation and well-being by offering a combination of group and individual approaches. A key element of GTP is the I want to participate program (in Dutch Ik wil meedoen) in which homeless people are enabled to join educational, recreational, and labor activities. This PhD-thesis is based on five empirical studies and aims to evaluate GTP, including factors that enhance the primary outcomes of GTP such as social participation, self-mastery, and well-being. The general conclusion is that GTP seems to be a promising intervention for the support of homeless people, because the outcomes are especially relevant in relation to government policy. The studies also showed that GTP includes variables that are relevant in enhancing social participation and well-being, such as self-mastery, a focus on client’s experiences with care, and group activities. The research led to useful recommendations for practice, policy, and future research.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Schalk, Rene, Promotor
  • Van Regenmortel, Tine, Promotor
  • Hermans, K.A.W., Member PhD commission, External person
  • van de Mheen, Dike, Member PhD commission
  • van den Muijsenbergh, M.E.T.C., Member PhD commission, External person
  • Dijkstra, B.A.G., Member PhD commission, External person
  • van Doorn, C., Member PhD commission, External person
Award date29 Nov 2019
Place of Publications.l.
Print ISBNs978-94-6375-459-0
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


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