Speculative Design in Education: Mapping the Landscape

Ingi Helgason, Ivica Mitrović, Julian Hanna, James Auger, Enrique Encinas, Michael Smyth

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionScientificpeer-review


This paper presents findings from a recent European-wide study on the use of Speculative Design approaches within education. The study included a survey of design educators and interviews with Speculative Design practitioners. This data has contributed to a mapping of the current educational landscape in Europe and will inform the development of an open set of resources for educators interested in Speculative Design and related approaches. Themes that emerged from the study are discussed in detail in the paper including; views on defining a curriculum along with metrics for assessment, the development of open guidelines and frameworks, attitudes towards generating change and implementing action, and understanding the distinguishing characteristics of Speculative Design within an educational context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Cumulus Conference 2021
Subtitle of host publicationDesign Culture(s)
Place of PublicationRome
PublisherCumulus and the Global Association of Art and Design Education and Research
ChapterDesign Culture (of) Revolution: Critical Thinking, Disruption, Change
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9789526490045
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventCumulus Conference 2021: Design Culture(s) Roma - Rome, Italy
Duration: 8 Jun 202111 Jun 2021


ConferenceCumulus Conference 2021


  • Design
  • Speculative Design
  • Design education


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  • SpeculativeEdu

    Hanna, J. (Co-Investigator)


    Project: Education project

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