Temporal dynamics of interference in Simon and Eriksen tasks considered within the context of a dual-process model.

K.L. Mansfield, M.W. van der Molen, M. Falkenstein, G.J.M. van Boxtel

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Behavioral and brain potential measures were employed to compare interference in Eriksen and Simon tasks. Assuming a dual-process model of interference elicited in speeded response tasks, we hypothesized that only lateralized stimuli in the Simon task induce fast S–R priming via direct unconditional processes, while Eriksen interference effects are induced later via indirect conditional processes. Delays to responses for incongruent trials were indeed larger in the Eriksen than in the Simon task. Only lateralized stimuli in the Simon task elicited early S–R priming, maximal at parietal areas. Incongruent flankers in the Eriksen task elicited interference later, visible as a lateralized N2. Eriksen interference also elicited an additional component (N350), which accounted for the larger behavioral interference effects in the Eriksen task. The findings suggest that interference and its resolution involve different processes for Simon and Eriksen tasks.
Keywords: Eriksen flanker task, Simon task, Dual-process model, Cognitive control, ERPs, Lateralized N2
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)353-363
JournalBrain and Cognition
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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