The aftereffects of ventriloquism: Are they sound-frequency specific?

I.H.E. Frissen, J. Vroomen, B. de Gelder, P. Bertelson

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Exposing different sense modalities (like sight, hearing or touch) to repeated simultaneous but spatially discordant stimulations generally causes recalibration of localization processes in one or both of the involved modalities, which is manifested through aftereffects. These provide opportunities for determining the extent of the changes induced by the exposure. Taking the so-called ventriloquism situation, in which synchronized sounds and light flashes are delivered in different locations, we examine if auditory recalibration produced by exposing tones of one frequency to attraction by discordant light flashes generalizes to different frequencies. Contrary to an earlier report, generalization was obtained across two octaves. This result did not depend on which modality attention was forced on through catch trials during exposure. Implications concerning the functional site of recalibration are briefly discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)315-327
JournalActa Psychologica
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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