The Bishop and his Deacons: Ignatius of Antioch’s view on ministry: two-fold or three-fold

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


    While in the early Church of the first centuries there are several texts where a two-fold ministry seems to be the case, it is the martyr Ignatius of Antioch who is adduced as providing the first instance of the three-fold structure of ministry. In this article it is argued that the epistles of Ignatius witness to the two-fold model—also found in the New Testament, Hermas, 1 Clement and the Didache—rather than to the three-fold ministry of later tradition. Some attention is also paid to the Pauline background of Ignatius’ speaking about ministry and to the specific tasks of deacons.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSanctifying Texts, Transforming Rituals
    Subtitle of host publicationEncounters in Liturgical Studies
    EditorsPaul Van Geest, Marcel Poorthuis, Els Rose
    Place of PublicationLeiden
    ISBN (Electronic)9789004347083
    ISBN (Print)9789004347090
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2017

    Publication series

    NameBrill's Studies in Catholic Theology


    • Leadership
    • Early Christianity
    • Ministry
    • Ignatius of Antioch
    • Bishops
    • Deacons


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