The complexity of constructing empowerment measuring instruments: A delphi study

T. Noordink*, L. Verharen, R. Schalk, T. van Regenmortel

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The value of empowerment as a central concept for social work implies the potential benefits of measurement to understand how this value is materialised in social work. The way in which instruments are developed and constructed impact their quality. With regard to the complexity of measuring empowerment, this article aims to provide insights in experts' views on the theoretical requirements to measuring empowerment in social work. A Delphi study of 3 rounds was conducted to achieve consensus into the appropriate method of instrument development for empowerment. By retrieving, organising, exchanging and combining opinions and arguments from different experts, this study provides insights into their views on requirements when developing measuring instruments for empowerment. The results show elaborations on substantive requirements and considerations that should be taken into account when developing empowerment measures in social work and that have led to the development of new guidelines. These provide social work and its researchers the opportunity to construct instruments that align with methodological standards, theoretical requirements, and ethical principles.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1123-1136
JournalEuropean Journal of Social Work
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Empowerment
  • Delphi
  • Guidelines
  • Measuring instruments
  • Social work


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