The economic burden of dissociative disorders: A qualitative systematic review of empirical studies

Willemien Langeland, Ellen K.K. Jepsen*, Bethany L. Brand, Linn Kleven, Richard J. Loewenstein, Frank W. Putnam, Hugo J. Schielke, Amie Myrick, Ruth A. Lanius, Trond Heir

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Objective: Dissociative disorders (DDs) are associated with intensive, long-term treatment, suicidality, recurrent hospitalizations, and high rates of disability. However, little is known about the specifics of the economic burden associated with DDs. This worldwide, systematic review examines the results of studies in adults on direct and indirect costs associated with DDs. Method: We searched 6 databases and the reference lists of articles. We also approached researchers to identify unpublished studies. No language restrictions were imposed. Results: A total of 1,002 records met the search criteria, of which 29 papers were selected for full-text inspection. Ultimately, of these, we reviewed four empirical studies. We provide a narrative discussion of study findings. Our findings suggest that DDs are costly to society, and that there is a reduction in service utilization and associated costs over time with diagnosing of and specialized treatment for DDs. However, the overall quality of the economic evaluations was low; several types of DDs, comorbid conditions, and costs were not included; and men were underrepresented. Due to the heterogeneity among studies, we could not perform a meta-analysis. Conclusions: Due to the heterogeneity and low quality of the identified economic evaluations, no firm conclusions about the economic burden of DDs alone can be drawn. Higher quality research, including a detailed description of the study design, population, and primary outcome measures used, utilizing appropriate clinical alternatives and including major comorbidities, is urgently needed to more rigorously assess the economic impact of DDs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)730-738
Number of pages9
JournalPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • Cost-of-illness
  • Dissociative disorder
  • Economic burden
  • Societal cost


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