The European labour authority and enhanced enforcement: Briefing requested by the EMPL committee

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Jan Cremers (TLS) was commissioned by the European Parliament to assess the European Commission's proposals for a European Labour Authority. The focus of the resulting briefing paper is on the principles (Chapter 1) and the tasks of the Authority (Chapter 2). The briefing paper forms part of a series of notes having been prepared in the context of a Workshop on the European Labour Authority held at the extra-ordinary meeting of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee on 24 May 2018. It is structured as follows:
• A brief analysis of existing enforcement problems
• The Authority-proposals for a more effective enforcement
• Positive aspects and shortcomings
• Policy recommendations.
Although he is positive about the initiative, Cremers pinpoints also some weaknesses, such as a too limited mandate to act EU-wide, the lack of a dissuasive and effective fining policy, too limited access to the work of the Authority and the restricted scope of the activities.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2018
EventEstablishing a European Labour Authority - European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 24 May 201824 May 2018


WorkshopEstablishing a European Labour Authority
Internet address


  • Labour mobility
  • EU Labour Law
  • free movement, recruitment, compliance, regime-shopping, posting, social security


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