title = "The European UMTS-auction",
abstract = "In this paper we review, and draw some lessons from, the UMTS-auctions that have taken place in Europe during 2000 and 2001.We address several design issues and, in particular, focus attention on asymmetries between the bidders and on possibilities for collusion.An outlook is provided to several other auctions in which the stakes may not be so high, but the design issues perhaps somewhat more complex.",
keywords = "auctions, telecommunications, game theory",
author = "{van Damme}, E.E.C.",
note = "Pagination: 21",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
volume = "2002-100",
series = "CentER Discussion Paper",
publisher = "Microeconomics",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Microeconomics",