The Incarnation as the Fundamental Mystery for Sacramentality in the Catholic Tübingen School

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


    This article reveals part of the rich but unknown liturgical thought of the nineteenth-century Catholic Tübingen School. In the reflections of these German theologians on liturgy and especially the eucharist, the incarnation plays a vital role. Johann Sebastian Drey considers the incarnation as the “fundamental mystery” of the Christian faith. In this article, the importance of the incarnation for Drey’s liturgical thinking and his reflections on sacramentality are explored. Attention is also given to Drey’s student, Johann Adam Möhler. The crucial role of the incarnation for his ecclesiology has already been proven, but this article demonstrates the role of the incarnation in his liturgical and sacramental reflections. In his writings on the eucharist, he makes an interesting connection between what he calls “ongoing incarnation” and the idea of theosis. At the end of the article some contemporary liturgical theological perspectives are developed on the relevance of (ongoing) incarnation and theosis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)176-187
    Number of pages12
    JournalStudia Liturgica
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020


    • Catholic Tübingen School
    • Incarnation
    • Johann Adam Möhler
    • Johann Sebastian Drey
    • Romanticism
    • eucharist
    • liturgy


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