The predictive value of trauma-related coping self-efficacy for posttraumatic stress symptoms: Differences between treatment seeking and non-treatment seeking victims

Mark Bosmans, Leontien van der Knaap, Peter van der Velden

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    Objective: To assess and compare the (independent) predictive value of trauma-related coping selfefficacy (CSE) for posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) among a treatment sample and a comparison group of nontreatment seeking victims. Method: Both the treatment (N 54) and comparison group (N 144) were exposed to potentially traumatic events (PTEs), experienced a heightened level of PTSS (IES 19), and were matched on work status and time between PTE and first measurement (T1).Respondents completed both baseline (T1) and follow-up measures (T2) approximately 8 months after T1. Results: Multiple regression analyses among the treatment sample showed that neither PTSS at T1
    (start of treatment) nor CSE levels at T1 predicted PTSS at T2 among the treatment group. Among the comparison group, higher CSE levels at T1 and younger age were significantly associated with lower PTSS at T2. In both the treatment group and the comparison group PTSS levels were significantly lower
    at T2 than at T1. As expected, treatment seeking victims have higher PTSS and lower CSE levels than nontreatment seeking victims. Conclusions: Pretreatment CSE did not affect recovery during treatment: higher pretreatment CSE perceptions do not give treated individuals an advantage while CSE is predictive of PTSS among untreated victims.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages8
    JournalPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015


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