The preferred role and perceived performance of the welfare state: European welfare attitudes from a multidimensional perspective

F. Roosma, W.J.H. van Oorschot, J.P.T.M. Gelissen

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91 Citations (Scopus)


Welfare state support has two core dimensions: attitudes about what the welfare state should do and beliefs about its actual performance. People can combine any position on one dimension with any position on the other, yielding four opinion clusters: people can combine preferences for a relatively strong role of the welfare state with a perception of a relatively low or high welfare state performance; likewise, people preferring a small role of the welfare state can perceive a high or low performing welfare state. We apply Latent Class Factor Analysis to data of 22 European countries from the 2008/9 European Social Survey. We find that each of the four clusters contains a substantial proportion of respondents that differs between welfare regimes. In addition, cluster membership is also related to covariates that measure people’s structural positions and ideological preferences.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)200-210
JournalSocial Science Research
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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