title = "The religious factor in contemporary society: The differential impact of religion on the private and public sphere in comparative perspective",
abstract = "This paper explores the relationships between values in the religious domain and values in other societal spheres. Starting from the general idea that the impact of religion on other domains in life has decreased, we assume 1) a differential impact of religion on the private and public domains; 2) that the impact varies between countries dependent upon the degree of secularization and the speed of secularization. Several more specific hypotheses concerning the interrelati-onships are developed and empirically tested using the data from the European Values Studies. The hypotheses are partially confirmed, but demonstrate that indeed the relationship between religion and the private domain (e.g. family) has developed differently from the relations between religion and the public areas.",
keywords = "religion, social values, sociology and psychology",
author = "L.C.J.M. Halman and T. Pettersson and J.A. Verweij",
note = "Pagination: 21",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
volume = "96.12.021",
series = "WORC Paper",
publisher = "WORC, Work and Organization Research Centre",