The Role of FDI in the Fight Against International Tax Avoidance

Research output: Working paperOther research output


This report examines the role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in tax havens. About 40-45% of the global FDI stock is hosted in tax havens, while their share in the world economy is only around 4½%. These abnormal FDI patterns suggest that FDI and international corporate tax avoidance are closely related. Traditional tax havens are attractive because of zero tax rates and uncooperative behaviour. For European tax havens it is rather a mix of policies related to improving the investment climate and this mix differs by country.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
PublisherEuropean Parliament
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023


  • tax haven
  • FDI
  • tax avoidance


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