The Social Dynamics Approach to mediated communication

Carla Anne Roos, Namkje Koudenburg, Tom Postmes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


In this paper, we develop a new, integrative, approach to theorising and research in the field of mediated communication (MC): the Social Dynamics Approach (SoDA). It builds on current developments in the literature that outline MC as a dynamic process where behaviour unfolds in continuous interaction between medium and user. The SoDA extends this view by acknowledging the collaborative and collective nature of interaction, thereby placing special focus on the social dynamics involved. The SoDA integrates the MC literature with theories and empirical findings from related fields, such as philosophy and social psychology. Applying the SoDA can aid MC researchers in developing a more nuanced and deeper understanding of social dynamics within different media and thereby of differences between communication media. We show how the SoDA can lead to methodological and theoretical advancements, and how it can help resolve existing contradictions related to media richness, online disinhibition, and online polarisation.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages34
JournalEuropean Review of Social Psychology
Early online dateFeb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2024


  • Social dynamics
  • interaction behaviour
  • mediated communication
  • situated social structure
  • social norms


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