There Are Layers to Liars: A Systematic Literature Review of Online Dating Deception

Frédéric Tomas, Tess van der Zanden

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperScientificpeer-review


    Studies have used different terms interchangeably to refer to a wide range of phenomena revolving around more-or-less severe forms of online dating deception. In this systematic literature review, we first examine what terms and definitions are commonly used to refer to online dating deception. Results demonstrate the use of heterogeneous terms and definitions. The terminology from the literature was structured within the Typological Model of Deception in Online Dating (TOMDOD), describing the characteristics of various layers of deception in online dating, ranging from impression management to catfishing. Our second goal was to provide a TCCM analysis (theories, contexts, characteristics, and methodology) of research into online dating deception. Findings showed little variation in research methods (i.e., surveys), the online dating phase under study (i.e., profile), and the operationalization (i.e., outcome variable), while theoretical frameworks and the nature of deception strongly varied. Theoretical and practical implications and future research avenues are discussed.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Number of pages63
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2023
    Event73rd Annual ICA conference: Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication - Toronto, Canada
    Duration: 25 May 202329 May 2023


    Conference73rd Annual ICA conference
    Internet address


    • deception
    • online dating
    • self-representation
    • systematic literature review

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