Thinking about Racial Discrimination with Thomas Aquinas: An Impetus for Further Reflection

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review

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In this contribution I first sketch the Church’s teaching on racism from two key documents (1). Then I respond to the objection that Aquinas himself was part of a system that enabled the injustice of slavery. I contend that his theology in fact does the opposite (2). Building on reflections by Therese Cory, I try to further develop a Thomistic response to questions of racial injustice. Here, my focus is on two
things: memory and the common good (3). In the final section, I present what Aquinas has to offer us today, but I also note the things that he had a blind spot for (4). By pointing out various ways of engaging questions of racism in relation to the work of Thomas Aquinas, I hope to offer an impetus for further reflection on racial justice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Enduring Significance of Thomas Aquinas
Subtitle of host publicationEssays in Honor of Henk Schoot and Rudi te Velde
EditorsAnton ten Klooster, Harm Goris, Marcel Sarot
ISBN (Print) 9789042951105
Publication statusPublished - 3 Mar 2023


  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Racial Justice
  • racism
  • Slavery
  • common good


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