Towards a research agenda for creative tourism: Developments, diversity, and dynamics

Nancy Duxbury, Greg Richards

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientific

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    This opening chapter provides an overview of the evolving and diversifying world of creative tourism and its research trajectories, discusses the changing contexts for research in this field, and introduces the chapters in this volume. The volume brings together 30 authors working within and researching creative tourism from different disciplinary perspectives and different origins. Many of these chapters also make strong links between theory and practice. Each chapter provides a window on current investigations in creative tourism, illustrating the variety of research interests, approaches, and national contexts informing and influencing the development of the field. Taken together, these cases encapsulate the growing diversity and scope of creative tourism and the expanding body of literature on this topic. From these varied perspectives, the editors asked each author to suggest future research streams to extend the conceptual questions and pragmatic issues with which they are engaged. In the closing chapter of the book, the editors synthesize these suggestions and advice to outline the perceived research gaps and to elaborate key thematic areas for investigation to advance creative tourism research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationA research agenda for creative tourism
    EditorsN. Duxbury, G. Richards
    PublisherEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
    ISBN (Electronic)9781788110723
    ISBN (Print)9781788110716
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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