Trust and Understanding in Face-to-Face And Online Negotiations

Yvonne van der Toorn, Per van der Wijst, Debby Damen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientificpeer-review


This study investigates the effects of social presence and synchronicity on the creation of mutual trust and understanding between conflicting parties in negotiations. An experimental study was conducted in which participants negotiated either face-to-face, through synchronous chat or through asynchronous e-mail. The results show that the high social presence in FtF communication seems to enhance the feelings of trust and understanding the negotiator has in the other party compared to the online negotiations, but not the amount of understanding and trust the other party has in him/her. Synchronicity does not seem to have an influence on the negotiation processes since both the synchronous chat and the asynchronous e-mail condition have equal scores on mutual trust and understanding.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDecision Support Systems IV - Information and Knowledge Management in Decision Processes
Subtitle of host publicationEuro Working Group Conferences, EWG-DSS 2014, Toulouse, France, June 10-13, 2014, and Barcelona, Spain, July 13-18, 2014, Revised Selected and Extended Papers
EditorsIsabelle Linden, Shaofeng Liu, Fátima Dargam, Jorge Hernández
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9783319215365
ISBN (Print)9783319215358
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Negotiation
  • Trust
  • understanding
  • Synchronicity
  • CMC
  • Chat
  • E-mail
  • Face-to-Face


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