Tussen liturgische theologie en liturgische pastoraal: Over theologie, liturgie en christelijke praktijk

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    This article has two main goals. Firstly, the author gives a brief outline of the development of both liturgical theology and pastoral liturgical studies. Both of these disciplines are important in the field of liturgical studies and both have their roots in the Liturgical Movement, an important source for contemporary liturgical reflection. One of the main themes of the Liturgical Movement was the relation between theological reflection and pastoral praxis within the framework of the liturgy. Until this day, this proves to be a difficult issue. Therefore, a second goal of this article is to develop new perspectives on the relation between theology, liturgy and Christian life. The author starts from the definition of pastoral liturgy used by C. Vagaggini. He perceives pastoral liturgy as ‘the general way of conceiving and putting the pastoral into practice by consciously centering it in the liturgy’. The author tries to combine this insight with the liturgical theological propositions of the relation between liturgy and theology. Using a threefold liturgical lens, a concept of liturgical theologian D. Fagerberg, the author develops his reflections on pastoral and Christian praxis. Subsequently, he discusses the meaning of the bodily, relational and self-giving dimension of the liturgy. It is his conviction that these three liturgical lenses show some necessary and basic attitudes for both pastoral activity as well as Christian life in general. In the end, the liturgy, perceived as the human self-giving answer to Gods Trinitarian gift of self, brings us to the core of human existence itself. As such, this article explores living a Christian life as living a liturgical life.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)35-52
    JournalTijdschrift voor Theologie
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2019

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