Understanding the social construction of the metaverse with Q methodology

Q. Zhou*, B. Wang, I. Mayer

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Following social constructivism, the Metaverse can be seen as a "boundary object," allowing "interpretative flexibility" across communities while maintaining a "common identity" to facilitate interactions and consensus. Understanding the social construction of the Metaverse requires acknowledging diverse perspectives that shape the discourse surrounding it. This research employed an internet-based Q methodology study to examine such "boundaries" within the Metaverse discourse. The study involved 46 participants from 14 countries and diverse sectors within the global Metaverse industry, who engaged in online card ranking exercises using statements covering five essential aspects of the Metaverse: Terminology, Cultural Values, Societal Impact, Economics, and Regulation. The factor analysis revealed four prominent frames of perspective: 1) Debating Liberal Globalism; 2) Critiques of the Metaverse as a Threat to Humanity; 3) The Metaverse as Neoliberalization; and 4) the New Prometheans: Techno-Optimism in the Digital Revolution. These frames underscore polarized perceptions related to the political-economic aspects of Metaverse development, particularly concerning affordability, infrastructure limitation, and digital literacy, all crucial for preventing global divisions. The findings contribute to policy dialogues focused on the social impact of technology innovation. Additionally, this research provides hands-on experience in designing and implementing a digitalized Q methodology, resulting in more systematic and transparent Q exercise procedures.
Original languageEnglish
Article number123716
Number of pages14
JournalTechnological Forecasting and Social Change
Early online date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Metaverse
  • Mixed methods
  • Q methodology
  • Social construction of technology


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